The Randomness of Chibi Jazzy

Just any random things in my life that I feel need to be put in a journal. Hope you have fun with me :)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Blog Update!! Oh! Long time no see!

Wow, it's been quite awhile.
Apparently it's been 4 months since my last post.
That's quite some time ago.

To summarize why I've been absent from this blog:
I went home (SVG) in July for a few months to visit my mom and friends.
I wasn't interested in creating content. 
I just wanted to relax and enjoy the company of my mom and friends.
When I came back to the states, I was quite busy. 
I am currently in the applying process to a design school (I'll be making a post on what I'm currently doing and interested in, if you're interested that is) and applying for jobs.

This post is really to help me get back into the groove of things.
I have done a number of drafts that are just waiting for me to give them love but at the moment I'm not in the mood to touch them.
So I'm challenging myself to post something everyday for a week.
There's no clear topic or path for the posts.
The goal is just to get my mind and hands working again.

So those who follow this blog (for whatever reason it be) I'm semi-back and at the end of this challenge week I'll be doing a post update for a few posts that I left hanging and another post for the schedule I plan to make in regards to the content for this blog.

So till next time take care and may the Lord Jesus continue to keep and carry you as this year is slowing but surely coming to a close.


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