Hello Internet.
It has been a very long time but I won't take up too much time as this post is going to very long and detailed so buckle up and get some writing material. We're going to class for:
Proxy Site Navigation when purchasing K-Pop merchandise (or anything new or second hand from Japan etc).(A narrow list)
Before we continue, let's clear the air for those who might be confused.
What exactly is a 'Proxy' site?
- In layman's terms: a proxy site is a site that provides a middleman service for purchasing items from countries, e.g Japan, that do not allow for direct purchases from overseas countries. [NB: this is my simple minded definition so if anyone has a better or more defined one please let me know and I will update this to reflect it].
There are possibly hundreds of proxy services out there that will allow you to purchase your desire goods from Japan, South Korea etc. I thought that I could take the lessons I learned from my experiences of the past year using a few of them to assist anyone who is new to using proxy sites and help them narrow down their choices to make an informed decision when picking a service.
Please keep in mind that my list was chosen after narrowing down a much longer list of choices thanks to other lovely people on the internet who shared their experiences. At the end of this entire post I will put the resources and people I used to make my choices and any other proxy sites that I have heard about but have not used myself.
One thing to remember: always do extensive amount of research before plunging straight into ordering from any of these sites as this can cost you extreme frustration and money. I learned the hard way. It might take some time but patience is virtue. Alright, let's start.
I started using proxy sites around late 2017 after seeing a video on YouTube giving a tutorial on how to purchase out of print K-Pop albums through proxy sites. I had gotten a pretty decent job and was being to start my K-Pop physical album collection. However, the albums for most of the groups I love either had been out of print for years or disbanded or both. I was honestly heartbroken until I learned about Proxy service late 2016. At that time I was kinda snobby and didn't want anything second hand. That changed when I started collecting. That tutorial led me to being to now own a lot of the albums for my dear groups that I couldn't purchase when they were initially released.
NB: proxy sites are not only for K-Pop or J-Pop merchandise. They can be used for almost any purchase (these sites also let you know what items are prohibited or not for purchase).
The sites I have and continue to use are FromJapan, Buyee, ZenMarket, Japonica (Mercari). For this first part of this post I will be talking about FromJapan and Buyee, the first and second sites I used respectively.
From Japan
From their official website (https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/), they describe themselves as "a proxy shopping service for the world of Japanese online shopping: all of which is done in a timely manner to have delivered right to your door. Located in the heart of Tokyo, we can help you find and purchase just about anything that is sold in Japan."
FromJapan gives their customers access to Yahoo Japan, Rakuten, ZOZOTOWN, Surugaya, BAPE, OTAMart, Amazon and more. My focus was mostly on Yahoo Japan but Amazon JP is also a good resource for searching for rare K-Pop goods as well.
The links below will carry you to every beginners guide they have to assist you in making your first purchase. Please take your time and read through each guide as they are there to assist you not to frustrate you. Remember: Patience is virtue (something I wish I had when I did my first purchase with them).
Everything is listed under 'Help - Usage Guide'
About FROM Japan: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/title/about
Usage Guide: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/title/service
Service Fees: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/help/fee
Purchasing Plans: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/help/servicePlan
Payment Method: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/help/fee#payment_methods
Storage, Packing and Shipping: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/help/logistics
Contact Us: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/member/question
Now I will show and describe my orders with them and would I recommend them.
Order Date: 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-09 (Purchasing +
delivery to warehouse)

NB: These are images of the package and its interior. I have no complaints about the packaging. There was more than enough wrapping around the albums and under them that I knew the items were secure. This is their normal packaging and not something I paid extra for.
Items & Details:
AFTERSCHOOL【1集 - Virgin】韓国盤★CD+フォトブック 新品未開封
Item cost: 800 yen
① Domestic Shipping: 740
② Payment Fees: 200 Yen
③ Plan fee: 700 Yen
④ Excess charge: 0 Yen
⑤ Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
⑥ Combination Extension
Fee: 0 Yen
⑦ Charge 2 Extension Fee:
0 Yen
2. AFTER SCHOOL Play Girlz! ジョンア 非売品 生 ポストカード
Item cost: 1000 yen
① Payment Fees: 200 Yen
② Plan fee: 700 Yen
③ Excess charge: 0 Yen
④ Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
⑤ Combination Extension
Fee: 0 Yen
⑥ Charge 2 Extension Fee:
0 Yen
⑦ Item shipping: 120 yen
(total for 3 items from same seller)
AFTER SCHOOL Play Girlz! ベカ
非売品 生 ポストカード
Item cost: 1000 yen
① Payment Fees: 200 Yen
② Plan fee: 700 Yen
③ Excess charge: 0 Yen
④ Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
⑤ Combination Extension
Fee: 0 Yen
⑥ Charge 2 Extension Fee:
0 Yen
⑦ Item shipping: 120 yen
(total for 3 items from same seller)
AFTER SCHOOL Play Girlz! カヒ
非売品 生 ポストカード
Item cost: 1000 yen
① Payment Fees: 200 Yen
② Plan fee: 700 Yen
③ Excess charge: 0 Yen
④ Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
⑤ Combination Extension
Fee: 0 Yen
⑥ Charge 2 Extension Fee:
0 Yen
⑦ Item shipping: 120 yen
(total for 3 items from same seller)
5. ★B.A.P★WARRIOR 韓国盤
Item cost: 300 yen
① Domestic Shipping: 610
② Payment Fees: 200 Yen
③ Plan fee: 700 Yen
④ Excess charge: 0 Yen
⑤ Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
⑥ Combination Extension
Fee: 0 Yen
⑦ Charge 2 Extension Fee:
0 Yen
Order Shipped: 01/12/2018
Order Arrival: 01/16/2018
Total Items Cost Details:
Charge 1:
5 items total: 4100 yen
Charge 2:
Domestic Shipping: 1,470 Yen
Payment Fees: 600 Yen (bank transfer fees; 3 items from 1 seller)
Plan fee: 2,100 Yen (Plan chosen per item: 700 yen | 3 items from 1 seller)
Excess charge: 0 Yen
Tax (Charge1): 0 Yen
Combination Extension Fee: 0 Yen
Charge 2 Extension Fee: 0 Yen
Surcharge: 0 Yen
International Shipping: 2,720 Yen (EMS)
Consolidation fee: 0 Yen
Tracking Service: Not insured
Export Clearance Fee: 0 Yen
Special Delivery Fee: 0 Yen
Made-to-order Box: 0 Yen
Extra Services: 0 Yen
Total( ① ~ ⑮ : 6,890 Yen
Used Point(s): 0 pt
Charge 2 Total ⑯
- ⑰ : 6,890 Yen
Charge 1 + Charge 2 = 10 990 yen (approx. $96.67 US)
for 5 items. Ouch!
Final thoughts:
Final thoughts:
Honestly, I am neutral about FromJapan.
Initially, I would have given them a thumbs down due to the price but when I checked over the site in more detail I realized that I did not pay attention to a lot of the guides they had that would have let me make a much more informed decision before purchasing any of the items. I was antsy and in a rush. I was worried that I would never get a chance at the items I got and would regret it later. I have regret but for not being patience (and the major lesson I learned from this.......those items will turn up again and sometimes even cheaper.)
Also, lookout for and be mindful of fees for domestic shipping and Yahoo Auction Japan. Another thing I did not properly read through.
I want to say that I would buy from them again but I'm leaning more towards not doing so. Reason being Plan fees. I obviously want my items to be protected and insured but 700 yen per item is quite pricey plus the other fees that will be added on later. There's a reduced price for shipping or fees if the items are purchased from the same seller but I am not too clear on it so it would be best to do your own research on this before purchasing anything. There are other proxy sites that offer the protection for a bit less overall. I will Only use them again IF there's a MAJOR MUST HAVE item I want.
However, I would say give them a chance as I did not have a bad experience with them. They do offer a lot of site/store access, have good customer service, and have many resources for packing and shipping parcels.
Order Date: 2018/07/28 - 2018/07/31
SHINee 正規第5集 1of1 開封未再生 ジョンヒョン ニューアルバム
Order Shipped: 2018-08-29
Resources used while drafting and finalizing this post:Initially, I would have given them a thumbs down due to the price but when I checked over the site in more detail I realized that I did not pay attention to a lot of the guides they had that would have let me make a much more informed decision before purchasing any of the items. I was antsy and in a rush. I was worried that I would never get a chance at the items I got and would regret it later. I have regret but for not being patience (and the major lesson I learned from this.......those items will turn up again and sometimes even cheaper.)
Also, lookout for and be mindful of fees for domestic shipping and Yahoo Auction Japan. Another thing I did not properly read through.
I want to say that I would buy from them again but I'm leaning more towards not doing so. Reason being Plan fees. I obviously want my items to be protected and insured but 700 yen per item is quite pricey plus the other fees that will be added on later. There's a reduced price for shipping or fees if the items are purchased from the same seller but I am not too clear on it so it would be best to do your own research on this before purchasing anything. There are other proxy sites that offer the protection for a bit less overall. I will Only use them again IF there's a MAJOR MUST HAVE item I want.
However, I would say give them a chance as I did not have a bad experience with them. They do offer a lot of site/store access, have good customer service, and have many resources for packing and shipping parcels.
Just Like FromJapan, Buyee is another site that gives their customers access to sites like Yahoo Japan Shopping and Auction, Rakuten, ZOZOTOWN, Amazon and more. As before my focus will mostly be on Yahoo Auction Japan.
The links below will carry you to every beginners guide they have to assist you in making your first purchase. Please take your time and read through each guide as they are there to assist you not to frustrate you. Remember: Patience is virtue (something I wish I had when I did my first purchase with them).
Usage Guide: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide
Payment/Fees: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/fees
Plans: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/plans
Shipping Methods: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/shipping-method
Package Consolidation Service: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/consolidate
NB: Everything you would need to understand the services and fees for Buyee are all in each of those listings. Just have some patience and read through everything.
Just Like FromJapan, Buyee is another site that gives their customers access to sites like Yahoo Japan Shopping and Auction, Rakuten, ZOZOTOWN, Amazon and more. As before my focus will mostly be on Yahoo Auction Japan.
The links below will carry you to every beginners guide they have to assist you in making your first purchase. Please take your time and read through each guide as they are there to assist you not to frustrate you. Remember: Patience is virtue (something I wish I had when I did my first purchase with them).
Usage Guide: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide
Payment/Fees: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/fees
Plans: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/plans
Shipping Methods: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/shipping-method
Package Consolidation Service: https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/consolidate
NB: Everything you would need to understand the services and fees for Buyee are all in each of those listings. Just have some patience and read through everything.
NB: These are images of the package and its interior. I paid for extra protection to test out the service and it surpassed my expectation. No complaints about the packaging. There was more than enough wrapping around the items and under them that I knew the items were secure. This is their Extra Protection packing service that I paid extra for.
Order Date: 2018/07/28 - 2018/07/31
BTS 防弾少年団
Ever After~
ミニフォト JIMIN ジミン 1 3 5 6 7 ペンミ 美品
Item fee: 2000 yen
Plan Fee: 500 yen
Buyee Service: 150 yen
Payment Handling Fee: 200 yen
Domestic Shipping Fee: 164 yen
Consumption Tax: 0 yen
Item Total: 2850 yen
Item fee: 120 yen
Plan Fee: 500 yen
Buyee Service: 150 yen
Payment Handling Fee: 200 yen
Domestic Shipping Fee: 164 yen
Consumption Tax: 0 yen
Item Total: 970 yen
Order Shipped: 2018-08-03
Order Arrival: 08/22/2018
Total Items Cost Details:
Purchasing Expenses: 3820 yen
Shipping Expenses: 3618 yen
Shipping Fee: 1290 yen (Registered Small Package(SAL))
Packaging Fee: 1500 yen [chose this to test out; worth the price but only
choose for fragile items]
Fee: 500
Shipping Fee: 328
Grand Total: 7438 Yen (Approx. $ 65.42 US)
Order Date:
防弾少年団 BTS
WINGS TOUR 公式グッズ チケットア
ルバム 新品 未開封 ジョングク ジミン V
Item fee: 4000 yen
Plan Fee: 500 yen
Buyee Service: 200 yen
Payment Handling Fee: 200 yen
Domestic Shipping Fee: 510 yen
Consumption Tax: 0 yen
Item Total: 5410 yen
SHINee 正規第5集 1of1 開封未再生 ジョンヒョン ニューアルバム
Item fee: 1100 yen
Plan Fee: 500 yen
Buyee Service: 150 yen
Payment Handling Fee: 200 yen
Domestic Shipping Fee: 800 yen
Consumption Tax: 0 yen
Item Total: 2750 yen
NB: The image above is for the SHINee 1 of 1 CD but unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the item after I removed it from the packaging. Nothing was damaged as the packaging was tightly secured.
Order Arrival: 09/14/2018
Total Items Cost Details:
Purchasing Expenses: 6850 yen
Shipping Expenses: 3400 yen
Shipping Fee: 1590 (Registered Small Package(SAL))
Fee: 500
Shipping Fee: 1310
Grand Total: 10250 Yen (Approx. $ 90.16 US)
Order Date:
フィギュア 全9種セット キャラキュート feat.八雲剣豪 中古品
Item fee: 660 yen
Plan Fee: 500 yen
Buyee Service: 150 yen
Payment Handling Fee: 200 yen
Domestic Shipping Fee: 1026 yen
Consumption Tax: 52 yen
Item Total: 2588 yen
NB: The images above are for figurines of the initial 9 member group (muse) from the Franchise 'Love Live! The School Idol Project'. I used the extra protection service but unfortunately I could not find the pictures that I took of them when I removed them from the box. None of the figurines were damaged as the bubble wrap kept them tightly secured.
Order Shipped: 2018-08-29
Order Arrival: 09/14/2018
Total Items Cost Details:
Purchasing Expenses: 1510 yen
Shipping Expenses: 7778 yen
Shipping Fee: 5200 (EMS)
Packaging Fee: 1500
Tax: 52
Shipping Fee: 1026
Grand Total: 9288 Yen (Approx. $ 81.70 US)
Final Thoughts:
I like Buyee.
The site is clean cut, simple and pretty user friendly. However.......
My issue is, just like FromJapan, THE FEES.
As you would have noted from the orders I did with them, I listed the breakdown of the costs and fees I ended up paying.
I would recommend them as I have not had any bad experiences with them. They do offer a lot of site/store access, have good customer service and frequently update me on my order status(es), and have many resources for packing and shipping parcels.
However, please :
a) pay attention to the Buyee Service fees as it is based on the cost of the item you are buying (normally between 150 and 200 yen)
b) pay attention to the domestic fees section. The advice I got from a few youtubers (listed below in the Resources section), who frequent the site often, was to always go into the Yahoo Auctions direct link to the official Yahoo Auctions listing, especially if you are having trouble finding the domestic shipping section/ the actual price for the shipping. There could be more information in the listing that Buyee fully or properly translate.
I like Buyee.
The site is clean cut, simple and pretty user friendly. However.......
My issue is, just like FromJapan, THE FEES.
As you would have noted from the orders I did with them, I listed the breakdown of the costs and fees I ended up paying.
I would recommend them as I have not had any bad experiences with them. They do offer a lot of site/store access, have good customer service and frequently update me on my order status(es), and have many resources for packing and shipping parcels.
However, please :
a) pay attention to the Buyee Service fees as it is based on the cost of the item you are buying (normally between 150 and 200 yen)
b) pay attention to the domestic fees section. The advice I got from a few youtubers (listed below in the Resources section), who frequent the site often, was to always go into the Yahoo Auctions direct link to the official Yahoo Auctions listing, especially if you are having trouble finding the domestic shipping section/ the actual price for the shipping. There could be more information in the listing that Buyee fully or properly translate.
c) Please use a good Japanese (Kanji) to English (your native language) translator since the translations on the Buyee listing is not always precise. Google translate is the most popular but I have also been using the 'Mate' Translator on the browser Opera.
YouTube channels and other info:
Main ones:
TheRestIsHistory87 | Huge Hottest | Playlist to view: Cick to View Playlist
Shawol360 | 'Tells it like it is' older Kpop fan with lots of wisdom and has frequently does lives which showcase her love for the many groups she follows | Huge Shawol (if the channel name didn't give it away) | No specific play list but there are many videos of her talking about her experiences with different sites and services she uses to get her merch.
Tina Davidsson | Popular K-Pop unboxing channel | Very sweet and lovely lady | Main reason why I use HMV.co.jp (which will be covered in Part 2) for getting OOP and rare K-Pop albums
Relevant ones:
SanaaStoria | Many of the different sites and services featured on this channel will be in Part 2 but not all as there are some that I am not ready to try my hand at testing yet.
Mgirlpersonal | Same reasoning as above.
Thank you so much for sticking through till the end.
I know it is a very long and detailed piece but I wanted to be as informative as I could.
Many fans, like myself, were not able to support many of our favorite groups when they were active and now many have gone on indefinite hiatuses or have disbanded all together and their albums are now no longer being produced and hard to find especially at a reasonable price. To have the option of purchasing them second-hand for a reasonable price is hard to find especially when might only know to check eBay, Facebook or Instagram sales forums or hash-tags. Some might not even know where to look and lose complete hope in even getting anything.
That's why at the end of 2017 I decided to start my collection (when I got a job that paid very well and I could afford to start making 'want' purchases) and go through as many avenues as I could (where the risk was not too high) to see where I could any item for the groups I love and wished I could support earlier. There were a few bumpy patches but I was able to navigate them thanks to the people I listed as resources (and those I cannot remember at the top of my head) for took the time and patience to make guides and shared their experiences for other fans to be able to experience what they have.
I hope this was helpful and I look forward to seeing you in Part 2.
No release date set yet but definitely no later than the end of January 2019.
Thank you and until next time.
God bless!!
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