The Randomness of Chibi Jazzy

Just any random things in my life that I feel need to be put in a journal. Hope you have fun with me :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Vulnerable: How should I be vulnerable as a Child of God?

It's easy to be nonchalant.

It's easy to be neutral.
It's easy to want to be:
the peacemaker,
the middleman,
and actually succeed.

It's easy being neutral.
It's easy being emotionless.
It's easy being neutral.
I repeat......It's easy......
being emotionless;
being neutral.........

But is it really.......the right......

I want to feel.
I want to remove this mask;
This hollow shell that covers,
and shields my.
Shields my heart?
From what?
Yes! Yes!
I'm scared to allow people in.
I'm scared of expressing my views;
My feelings.

I learned that doing such a thing,
leaves you open to attack;
It leaves you open;

It's not easy being open.
It's not easy being exposed.
It's not easy choosing one team,
and staying and standing firm
in that choice.

It's not easy being vulnerable.
I want to be vulnerable.
I want to be exposed, open, honest,
and vulnerable with You Lord Jesus.

It's not easy being vulnerable.
Help me to be vulnerable.
It's not easy being me.
Help me to be the 'me' You designed
me to be.

It's not easy being vulnerable.
It's easy being neutral...........
I want to be vulnerable.

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